
User Acceptance Testing for pros by pros

The concept of our Acceptance testing training is learning by doing. The training has 2 days of sessions with a heavy emphasis on practical exercises. Through these exercises the participants learn and improve their skills in testing, test design and importantly, in thinking skills too.

For doing UAT, It’s invaluable to have an idea about a “tester’s mindset” in order to know where to concentrate and how to conduct testing. Of course we cannot make anyone a professional tester in two days, but a combination of great domain knowledge that your personnel already have and some new tools and techniques can go a long way.

The exercises are arranged in a path that gradually forms a complete picture of UAT and what it contains.

You’ll learn

  • In the first day we start the exercises with tools and systems that we provide, which are usually simplified apps and systems to facilitate learning. When we progress in the training, more complex and life-like examples are used.
  • In the day two we use, if possible, some of your own systems as a learning tool. This enables the persons that are attending to use their domain knowledge and mix that with the newly learned things. We end the training with a half day testing session and use everything we have learned during the days to simulate as complete UAT experience as possible.

Content of the training days

Day One /Skills and Concepts

What is testing?

/Basics and our definition of testing

/Definition of user acceptance testing

Critical Thinking

/Knowing how to question things constructively

Test Design

/What can you test?

/How can you test it?

/When can you test it?

/Goal setting, tool selection, technique selection

/Scripting the execution of tests.

/Heuristics and categorization as test design tools

Sessions and Charters

/Time management and scheduling

/Session based test management

/Test cases vs use cases

/From use cases to mission based testing

Testing Exercise

/We test an practice application and use everything we learned during the day


Day Two /Taking things to Your context

Advanced Test Design

/Negative and positive test cases

/Designing with categories

/Test strategy

Exploratory Testing

/From categories to exploring

/Using missions to guide exploring

/Exploratory doesn’t mean structureless testing

Techniques and approaches

/Focus and scope

/Depth vs breadth in testing

/Business domain vs development domain

/Testing quadrants

The Big Final Exercise – half day simulation of UAT

/Boss level battle – we use one of your own systems to practice testing

/Use everything that was learned

/You can use your own domain knowledge

For whom?

Product owners and other professionals who need to take care of or understand the user acceptance testing in software development

Do you want to know more about our services?

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